Literary Studies / Poetry Showing results 1-10 of 44 Books Site Content Filter Results OPEN + Sort by:RelevanceNewest to OldestOldest to NewestTitle - A to ZTitle - Z to APrice - Low to HighPrice - High to LowAuthor - A to ZAuthor - Z to A Per page:5101520255075100 ‹12345› A New Way of SeeingDistance and Traumatic Memory in the Poetry of World War IIby Michael SarnowskiSeries edited by Matthew Christopher Hulbert and Matthew E. Stanley Breath LinesHow Poems Work and Why They Matterby Jan Schreiber Michael HofmannAn Extended Passport Applicationby André Naffis-Sahely Living NameEssays on American Poetsby Mark Halliday Seamus Heaney's Giftsby Henry Hart The Elephant of SilenceEssays on Poetics and Cinemaby John Wall Barger Becoming PoetryPoets and Their Methodsby Jay Rogoff Echo and CritiquePoetry and the Clichés of Public Speechby Florian Gargaillo A Scar Where Goodbyes Are WrittenAn Anthology of Venezuelan Poets in ChileEdited by David M. Brunson Desire and Infinity in W. S. Merwin's Poetryby Dong Feng Sort by:RelevanceNewest to OldestOldest to NewestTitle - A to ZTitle - Z to APrice - Low to HighPrice - High to LowAuthor - A to ZAuthor - Z to A Per page:5101520255075100 ‹12345›