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How Discovering Two New Terms Sparked a Memoir

How Discovering Two New Terms Sparked a Memoir

By Barbara Drake-Vera In this post, Barbara Drake-Vera describes finding new words to articulate grief and sorrow. Readers often ask me questions about Andean culture and disappearing glaciers at author… READ MORE

Revising “Hills Like White Elephants”

Revising “Hills Like White Elephants”

By John Beall John Beall describes the meticulous process through which Hemingway refined his stories for publication. In my book Hemingway’s Art of Revision, I give a detailed description of… READ MORE

A Walk in the Park

A Walk in the Park

By Alice Friman LSU Press poet Alice Friman shares a poem that sprang from a life-changing experience. For me, writing poetry is the great permission. Everything and anything is allowed…. READ MORE

Words and Faith

Words and Faith

By Anne Pierson Wiese LSU Press poet Anne Pierson Wiese explores how an early love of books informed her unwavering faith in reading and the written word. Before I could… READ MORE

SSSL 2024

We are happy to offer this virtual exhibit page for The 2024 Society for the Study of Southern Literature Conference.It includes the same titles that we are displaying at the… READ MORE

SCWH 2024

We are happy to offer this virtual exhibit page for The Society of Civil War Historians 2024 Conference.It includes the same titles that we are displaying at the conference. In… READ MORE

ALA 35th Annual Conference

We are happy to offer this virtual exhibit page for The American Literature Association 35th Annual Conference.It includes the same titles that we are displaying at the conference. In conjunction… READ MORE

Wild Spirits

Wild Spirits

By Jeffrey Anderson Jeffrey Anderson describes an unexpected personal encounter while conducting research in Haiti. Historical research is a lot like detective work. The historian investigates evidence without knowing for… READ MORE

Moncure Conway Rewrites the Past

Moncure Conway Rewrites the Past

By Frank Cirillo The author of The Abolitionist Civil War describes his efforts to separate fact from fiction in the autobiographical record of an antislavery activist. As a historian, I… READ MORE