Review Roundup: October 2019

LSU Press publishes the works of a host of talented authors. Each month, we take a moment to recognize the impact these authors and their works are having on communities nearby and around the world.


Book cover of "Politics for the Love of Fandom."

As author of Politics for the Love of Fandom and a leading authority on fan studies, Ashley Hinck often gets called on to interpret emerging fandoms. Most recently, she was asked by Longreads to weigh in on the growing (and “glorious”) genre of congressional fanfiction. On the impact these stories can have on elections, Hinck said, “If we underestimate fandom, and the importance of fan identities—it’s dangerous.” Read more here.

Book cover of "Reclaiming Assia Wevill."

Both scholars and general readers have been anticipating the publication of Julie Goodspeed-Chadwick’s study of Assia Wevill, the oft-demonized twentieth-century poet and writer. The IUPUC Newsroom of Indiana University published a glowing review of Reclaiming Assia Wevill: Sylvia Plath, Ted Hughes, and the Literary Imaginationon its publication day: “Goodspeed-Chadwick looks beyond the femme fatale stereotype that has been associated with Wevill to examine her tragic life and the lasting impact her life presents with regard to femininity and the power dynamics in heterosexual relationships.” Read more here.


Book cover of "Adventures of a Louisiana Birder."

Marybeth Lima’s humorous and heartfelt memoir, Adventures of a Louisiana Birder, is appealing to readers of all types—avid birders, of course, but also engineers and lifestyle readers. See below for some of the praise Lima’s book has recently garnered.

“While Lima sees birding as an invitation to connect with nature and to learn, it has also shown her just how delicate the state’s ecosystem is and why it’s worth protecting.”—LSU College of Engineering

“Lima’s personal story alone is memorable, but what leads me to re-read passages are her messages of hope, inspiring all of us who love Louisiana and the glorious creatures that inhabit it to continue to strive to preserve it.”—Colette Dean, Baton Rouge Audubon Society

“Lima reveals the down-and-dirty side of birding, all while documenting 300 species of birds from the lush and unique Louisiana habitat.”—Ashley McLellan, My New Orleans

You can get your copy of Lima’s book here.


Book cover of "Out of Speech."

Ned Balbo, reviewer for Literary Matters, lauded Adam Vines’s second collection, Out of Speech, in a recent article, saying, “the range of effects that Vines brings to the project is extraordinary, especially against the backdrop of the poet’s self-imposed restrictions on syntax and line length.”

David Kirby is a poet by trade, but he often finds his inspiration in another rhythmic art form—music. Recently he talked to Marina Brown of the Tallahassee about his new book, More Than This, comparing it to a symphony, but with touches of Chuck Berry. Read the full interview here.

It’s almost time for the Hurston/Wright Foundation Legacy Awards! This annual award honors the best in black literature in the United States and around the globe. This year, LSU Press was honored to see poet Chanda Feldman nominated for her stunning collection, Approaching the Fields. Be sure to check the foundation’s website on October 18 to see video of Feldman and her fellow nominees at the award ceremony.

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