As we settle into summer, we wanted to share some recent news and publicity from LSU Press! Freedom’s Dance is heating up with a New Orleans summer event lineup that you won’t want to miss. Signings next week include:
- Octavia Books – Tuesday, July 3 at 6 p.m. Live brass band to follow.
- Ashe Cultural Center – Thursday, July 5 at 5 p.m. Live concert to follow.
- Essence Marketplace – Friday, July 6 at 2:30 p.m.
Speaking of New Orleans, LSU Press authors Richard Campanella and Kodi Roberts spoke to C-SPAN about unique aspects of the city and its culture! Meanwhile, on the LSU Press Blog, Stephanie R. Rolph examined white resistance and The Citizens’ Council and George S. Lensing shared some top books on Wallace Stevens’ poetry. This month, we also celebrated the publication of new books by Hugh Dubrulle, Samuel C. Hyde, George S. Lensing, James B. McSwain, Paul Quigley, and Stephanie R. Rolph.
Below you’ll find a list of our August titles, additional upcoming events with our authors, and some recent publicity and reviews of our books. If you want to keep up with the press in real time, follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook!
New in August
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Selected Publicity and Praise
Claude Before Time and Space: Poems by Claudia Emerson
“This lovely, haunting book is a fit memorial to a talent that, despite the Pulitzer, hasn’t received its due.”—William Logan, New Criterion
Penelope Lemon: Game On! by Inman Majors
“Don’t plan on getting anything done once you pick up the funniest book of 2018. Major’s tale of a recently divorced 40 year-old woman struggling to make a life for herself and her ten year-old son is a hilarious page-turner.”—Charlotte Lit
The Cemeteries of New Orleans: A Cultural History by Peter B. Dedek
“New Orleans’ famous aboveground ‘cities of the dead’ come alive in this engaging book.”—Landscape Architecture
Neon Visons: The Comics of Howard Chaykin by Brannon Costello
“Finally! There’s a smart, insightful book that critically examines the works one of America’s most important comics writer-artists of the past half-century.”—Print Magazine
Search and Rescue: Poems by Michael Chitwood
“Through his clever wording and use of imagery, Chitwood paints a different perspective of ordinary, everyday objects and ideas.”—Laker Magazine
On to Petersburg: Grant and Lee, June 4-15, 1864 by Gordon C. Rhea
“On to Petersburg is a remarkable capstone to his series, and it reads as crisply, clearly and engagingly as anything he’s written.”—Civil War News
“In this book, Sarah L. Hyde makes an important contribution to a small but growing body of recent research on the extent and significance of southern pre-college education in the antebellum era.”—The Alabama Review
“Ball has written a highly original and valuable historical study that fundamentally reorients our sense of the ‘Englishness’ of Renaissance drama and of the social complexity of theater as a form of entertainment.”—Studies in English Literature 1500-1900