We all know that LSU Press books and subscriptions to The Southern Review make great holiday gifts for readers, but what are you going to buy the person who can’t fit one more book on their shelves and has no more free space on their e-reader?
Gift a charitable, tax-deductible gift to LSU Press or The Southern Review in their honor! We’ll send your honoree(s) this beautiful handmade acknowledgment card:
How about having your honoree’s name printed in a book—every single copy of that book? With a minimum gift of $5,000, here’s what your acknowledgment would look like on the copyright page of an LSU Press book:
“This book is made possible in part by the generous support of
John and Jane Doe in honor of Joe Smith.”
Here are a few forthcoming books that can receive underwriting support:
Crosby Arboretum: A Sustainable Regional Landscape, Robert F. Brzuszek
The Red List: A Poem, Stephen Cushman
Cosmos: A Poem, James Applewhite
American Energy, Imperiled Coast: Oil and Gas Development in Louisiana’s Wetlands, Jason P. Theriot
Using Plants for Stormwater Management: A Green Infrastructure Guide for the Gulf South, Dana Nunez Brown
South Louisiana Endangered Cemeteries, Jessica H. Schexnayder and Mary H. Manhein
Pelican State: Louisiana Life and Culture edited by Wayne Parent and Ryan Orgera
Hurricane Katrina in Transatlantic Perspective edited by Romain D. Huret and Randy J. Sparks
We’ll be sure to send you and your honoree a copy of the book once it’s been published.
If your friend or loved one enjoys the very best of contemporary literature, consider a gift support to The Southern Review in his or her honor. Your generosity and honoree will be recognized in The Southern Review on the inside back cover:
If you are looking for a very special way to honor a friend or loved one this holiday season that is not listed here, call Kris Elmore our associate director of development at 225.578.6416 or e-mail her at kelmor1@lsu.edu to brainstorm or discuss meaningful ways to give a charitable, tax-deductible gift to LSU Press or The Southern Review to honor someone in your life.