Category: Poetry

Top Books on Wallace Stevens’ Poetry

Top Books on Wallace Stevens’ Poetry

The name of the American poet Wallace Stevens (1879-1955) is not as familiar as other poets of his generation like Robert Frost and E.E. Cummings. He’s best known, not just… READ MORE

LSU Press at AWP 2018

LSU Press at AWP 2018

The 2018 Association of Writers and Writing Programs conference will take place from March 7-10 in Tampa, Florida. A number of our authors will be attending the conference to sign… READ MORE

Tramp: On Poetry, Women, and Wanderers

Tramp: On Poetry, Women, and Wanderers

When I first started writing what would become Tramp, I had no idea what it would grow into. Playing with late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century newspaper articles about women who… READ MORE

Finding Promise in Poetry

Finding Promise in Poetry

It’s rare that I write a poem that doesn’t in some way draw upon the work I have read by other poets, writers or artists, be they living or dead,… READ MORE

Happy Release Day, Kelly Cherry!

Happy Release Day, Kelly Cherry!

LSU Press is delighted to announce the release of Kelly Cherry’s new book, Quartet for J. Robert Oppenheimer, which explores in verse the life of the Father of the Atomic… READ MORE