In celebration of LSUP’s 80th anniversary the staff selected 80 of our most memorable titles. Adding to our “Around the Press in 80 Books” blog series, Associate Director of Development Tori Gill writes about Best of LSU Fiction.
There are two components of Nolde Alexius and Judy Kahn’s, Best of LSU Fiction that drew me in: its collaborative origin and its symbol of LSU’s strong literary presence. As a relative “newbie” to the world of LSU literature I have found that Nolde and Judy did a fantastic job of revealing to me the treasure of this region’s fictional writing.
Serving in a development role, I find the long list of names acknowledged in the back of the book astounding! Over seventy people gave generously to support this endeavor. What an incredible statement and affirmation of Nolde and Judy’s discovery. LSU’s literary legacy is appreciated far beyond campus lines it is revered by so many.
The twenty authors that are included in the publication collectively, old and new, symbolize LSU’s vast array of talented writers. I have to admit when I first picked up the book I recognized some authors but not many. After reading through there is no doubt why the pieces were chosen. Warren’s depiction of life on a small Tennessee farm, and Bradley’s description of Baton Rouge landmarks make words on paper seem real and relatable.
Thank you to Nolde and Judy for their hard work and commitment in creating a tangible piece of LSU literary history. Whether you read this book to enjoy pieces of literature you already know as masterful, or in my case as an introduction, you will close the book with the same lasting impression: “wow.”
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