In celebration of LSUP’s 80th anniversary the staff selected 80 of our most memorable titles. Adding to our “Around the Press in 80 Books” blog series, Associate Financial Operations Manager Leslie Green writes about Accalia and the Swamp Monster.
Creepy. That’s what I thought the first time I saw some of Kelli Scott Kelley’s work from this series at a gallery. But cool, and surreal. Very surreal. And then, after hearing her talk about the work, I thought, yep, very creepy and brilliant!
Not only is this work open to interpretation, that’s the whole point. It invites interpretation. And once one goes down the rabbit-hole of consciously thinking about interpretation, one must come to grips with the realization that this artwork, better than many, forces a person to see how his or her own experiences color everything in daily life. The other brilliant part of this book is that the images are very accessible, easy to read yet full of depth: simple drawings and paintings embellished with intriguing textiles.
It was exciting when this book project was presented to us at LSU Press. I knew the artist and had seen some of this work in person. While LSU Press is better known for its history lists, many of the staff here are keenly interested in contemporary art. We go to galleries and museums, and some of us are visual artists in addition to being editors and designers. And we’re proud of our fellow Louisiana artist.
I wholeheartedly recommend losing yourself in the experience that is Accalia and the Swamp Monster.
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