Swamper, a fictitious swamp rabbit, lives in the bottomland hardwood forest, or overflow swamp, which is a very real environment. In twelve "letters" addressed to his human friends, Swamper shares his vivid observations about life in a Louisiana swamp. With excitement and captivating detail Swamper explains ecological concepts such as food webs, energy flow, decomposition, and reproduction. He recounts adventures like escaping his predators, the great horned owl and the red fox, and swimming for his life after a flood forces him to find higher ground. The observant swamp rabbit even describes the seasonal migration of birds and the monthly phases of the moon.
While educating readers about the interconnected life cycles found in a natural habitat, Swamper's first-hand account of the richness and value of the wetlands will also help them develop a deeper appreciation for this delicate ecosystem. Written for 8–12-year-olds, the content aligns with life science and environmental science educational standards for 4th through 7th grades.
Also Includes:
A glossary of key terms
Questions and a creative activity for each letter
Biologically accurate drawings of animals and habitat
Color photographs of the environment
Supplementary online resources for teachers and parents